ISAAC: a fast cryptographic random number generator
I have a challenge and
small prize associated with breaking
The files below implement ISAAC in C. The
function randinit() must be called before ISAAC can be used, but after
that any module that #includes rand.h can call rand() to get 32-bit
random values.
- standard.h
- rand.h
- rand.c (rand.c is optimized for speed)
- randport.c (randport.c is optimized
for speed except it's portable to platforms where integers are bigger
than 4 bytes or characters are bigger than 1 byte)
- readable.c (readable.c produces the
same results as rand.c but the C code is easier to read, and it
doesn't need rand.h or standard.h)
- randvect.txt (the results if you compile
any of these with -DNEVER and run it)
- randseed.txt (the results if you do
"gcc -O rand.c randtest.c -o rand" then run rand)
ISAAC (Indirection, Shift, Accumulate, Add,
and Count) generates 32-bit random numbers. Averaged out, it requires
18.75 machine cycles to generate each 32-bit value.
Cycles are guaranteed to be at least 240 values
long, and they are 28295 values long on average. The
results are uniformly distributed, unbiased, and unpredictable unless
you know the seed.
Others have translated ISAAC into other languages:
- Pierre
Abbat has implemented ISAAC in Forth
(local copy).
- Quinn Tyler Jackson translated
it to C++.
- Greg Vigneault has
implemented it in
Modula-2, a
language that doesn't support bit operations!
(local copy)
- Sebastian Sauvage translated it into
(local copy).
- John L. Allen translated it into Perl.
- Daniel Berlin produced a Java
implementation that I haven't got around to checking yet.
- Marv
Schwartz translated Isaac into C#.
- I translated it into Java,
as well. It had a bug for a long time that made it initialize
differently than the C version, but Paul Wankadia pointed it out and I
fixed it (Sept 30 2005).
- Kenneth Ives translated it into Visual Basic, with tests.
- Doug Hoyte translated it into
Haskell (local copy).
- Doug Hoyte translated it into
Lisp, too (local copy).
- Gerald Moull has translated it into Cobol.
- Wolfgang Ehrhardt has implemented it in Pascal,
along with many other PRNGs.
- Ilmari Karonen translated it into PHP.
- Yves-Marie K. Rinquin implemented it in
JavaScript (MIT license)
ISAAC-64 generates a different sequence than ISAAC, but it uses the
same principles. It uses 64-bit arithmetic. It generates a 64-bit result
every 19 instructions. All cycles are at least 272 values,
and the average cycle length is 216583.
The following files implement ISAAC-64.
The constants were tuned for a 64-bit machine, and a complement was
thrown in so that all-zero states become nonzero faster.
There are lots of random number generators out there. Why use ISAAC?
- Why not use x=ax+b mod p? Because multiplication and mod
are slow. On a Sparc it was clocked at being five times slower than
ISAAC. Also, ISAAC gives any 32-bit number, while ax+b mod p gives
numbers between 0 and p-1 for some prime p. Also, ax+b has easily
detected patterns (for example, xi+1 is always
axi+b mod p).
- Why not use RC4?
RC4 is three times slower, more biased, has a
shorter minimum and average cycle length, and is proprietary. No way
is known to break either RC4 or ISAAC; both are immune to Gaussian
elimination. Use the gap test on scaled-down RC4 to see its
bias. (RC4 is still very good, much much better than x=(ax+b)%p.)
- I've written some tests for random number
generators, which can be used to test ISAAC, RC4, ax+b mod p, or
any random number generator you feel like writing.
- ISAAC should work on any 32-bit platform. (Porting it to a 64-bit
machine like ALPHA may require masking out overflows in a,
randrsl, and mm, or it may just need an adjustment of
the definition of ub4, or it may work without modification. If someone
ports it to an ALPHA, send me mail at
showing me what you did.) The code in isaac64.c
has been run on an ALPHA and a x486 with gcc; it produces the
same results on both.
- I presented a paper, ISAAC, at the 3rd Fast Software
Encryption Workshop. An online version, somewhat more complete than
the published version, is here.
- Bias is detectable after 237 values for RANDSIZL=3, 245 for 4, 253 for 5,
261 for 6, 269 for 7, and 277 values
- Challenge, started 1996/march/27:
The files
randtest.c gives the first 2560 results of ISAAC initialized with an unknown
seed, along with the program that initialized ISAAC and produced the
results. What was the seed? Send mail to
(Converting bytes to ub4's is endian-dependent, so the seed will
only be English on something like an 80?86 machine.)
I changed the seed 1998/february/10 because I can't reproduce the old
seed. Breaking either the old or the new counts.
- PRIZE, started 1998/february/6: $1000
(USA dollars) to whoever sends me the solution to the above challenge (plus publicly revealing a
repeatable method for determining it) first. I'll also offer $100 for
the first bias that can be detected with RANDSIZL=8 (in sequences of
length less than 264 values) (starting with almost all
seeds) (exceeding an absolute value of 4 times the standard deviation)
(the test must start not knowing the seed).
ISAAC hasn't been broken since it was published 11 years ago. No
bias has been detected either. I am offering these prizes in an
attempt to get others to try to break it and assure those techniques
are published. Apologies for having such a small prize. If you find
successful attacks or biases in smaller versions of ISAAC, I'll
include them in isaac.html, even though
there are no prizes for them. I'm interested in attacks and biases
against RC4 as well. Other fast stream ciphers are SEAL and WAKE.
Attacks on ISAAC by someone other than Bob Jenkins:
- 2001: Marina Pudovkina published an attack on ISAAC
with estimated running time of 4.67x101240.
- 2006: Jean-Phillipe Aumasson pointed out that I provided no
official way of seeding ISAAC. If the lack of an official seeding
routine is interpreted as allowing a null seeding routine (directly
setting the internal state to a known value), that allows the output
to be predicted.
I provided no official seeding routine because I didn't feel
competent to give one. Seeding a random number generator is
essentially the same problem as encrypting the seed with a block
cipher. ISAAC should be initialized with the encryption of the seed
by some secure cipher. I've provided a seeding routine in my
implementations, which nobody has broken so far, but I have less faith
in that initialization routine than I have in ISAAC.
As ISAAC is intended to be a secure cipher, if you want to
reseed it, one way is to use some other cipher to seed some initial
version of ISAAC, then use ISAAC's output as a seed for other
instances of ISAAC whenever they need to be reseeded.
Internal links:
Hash functions and block ciphers
Perpetual motion machines
Table of Contents