Attribute VB_Name = "basISAAC" ' *************************************************************************** ' Module: basISAAC.bas ' ' ISAAC Random number generator for Visual Basic 6.0 and VBA ' by Kenneth Ives ' ' This code is Public Domain. You may use this code as you like. ' There are no guarantees. ' ' Original C code by Bob Jenkins, March 1996 ' ' Bob Jenkins ' ' *************************************************************************** ' ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: ' ' Thank you Bob Jenkins for making your ISAAC code available to the public. ' ' Pablo Mariano Ronchi translated Mersenne Twister ' to Visual Basic. I found his math routines invaluable. See uAdd() routine. ' ' ' *************************************************************************** ' ISAAC has an output within these ranges: ' ' -0.9999999999990, 0.9999999999990 Double Precision ' -2147483648, 2147483647 Long Integer ' ' The output will pass all the Diehard and Ent randomness tests. To build ' a test file, scroll down to Main_DH() routine. ' ' Diehard by George Marsaglia ' ' ' Ent Software ' ' Scroll down and download the file ' ' ***************************************************************************** ' ' THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ' "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ' LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ' A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ' OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ' SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ' TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ' PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ' LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ' NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ' SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ' ' =========================================================================== ' DATE NAME / eMAIL ' DESCRIPTION ' ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ' 21-Sep-2005 Kenneth Ives ' Module created ' 21-Oct-2005 Kenneth Ives ' Combined calcs for a double, speeded up the process. ' Removed obsolete variables. ' Optimized code. Gained 9-12% increase in speed. ' 24-Mar-2006 Kenneth Ives ' Moved loading of the Power2 array to its own routine and ' loaded with predefined values. ' Updated logic in CreateSeed() routine. ' 10-Jan-2007 Kenneth Ives ' Removed obsolete variables. ' Optimized code. Gained 10% increase in speed. ' 13-Jan-2007 Kenneth Ives ' Rewrote ShiftLong() routine and gained 2/10ths of a second. ' 25-Oct-2007 Kenneth Ives ' Combined a redundant set of calculations in the RandomInit() ' routine and gained 3/10ths of a second. ' 04-Feb-2008 Kenneth Ives ' Updated the CreateSeed() routine to use a global variable as ' a unique input value due to the newer CPU speeds. Created a ' separate routine for processing a double precision value ' named CalcOneDouble(). ' 30-May-2008 Kenneth Ives ' Updated Isaac_Calc() routine to gain speed. ' 21-Aug-2008 Kenneth Ives ' Updated seed creation process ' *************************************************************************** Option Explicit ' *************************************************************************** ' Constants ' *************************************************************************** Private Const MODULE_NAME As String = "basISAAC" Private Const MAXLONG As Long = 2147483647 Private Const MAXLONG_NEG As Double = -2147483648# Private Const MAXDBL As Double = 4294967296# Private Const MAXDBL_MINUS_1 As Double = 4294967295# Private Const DBL_LOW As Double = 0.000000000001 Private Const DBL_HIGH As Double = 1.999999999998 / MAXDBL_MINUS_1 ' *************************************************************************** ' API Declares ' *************************************************************************** ' The GetTickCount() API will capture the time in milliseconds. The ' counter overflows after 1192.8 hours (49.7 days) from the last reboot. Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long ' *************************************************************************** ' Global variables ' *************************************************************************** Public glngCarryOverSeed As Long ' *************************************************************************** ' Module variables ' *************************************************************************** Private malngRand(256) As Long Private malngMem(256) As Long Private malngPower2(30) As Long Private malngSeed(3) As Long ' *************************************************************************** ' Routine: ISAAC_Prng ' ' Description: A quantity of random values will be generated based on the ' user request. ' ' Parameters: lngArraySize - [Optional] Number of elements in return array. ' Default return number of 1. ' blnReturnFloat - [Optional] Return random values in an array. ' TRUE - Double precision ' FALSE - Long integer ' ' Returns: An array of random generated values ' ' =========================================================================== ' DATE NAME / eMAIL ' DESCRIPTION ' ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ' 21-Sep-2005 Kenneth Ives ' Routine created ' 21-Oct-2005 Kenneth Ives ' Combined calcs for a double, speeded up the process. ' 24-Mar-2006 Kenneth Ives ' Moved loading of the Power2 array to its own routine and ' loaded with predefined values. ' Moved call to Isaac_Calc to top of For..Next loop. ' *************************************************************************** Public Function ISAAC_Prng(Optional ByVal lngArraySize As Long = 1, _ Optional ByVal blnReturnFloat As Boolean = True) As Variant Dim lngIndex As Long Dim lngIdx As Long Dim lngRand As Long Dim lngLoop As Long Dim lngCount As Long Dim alngData() As Long Dim adblData() As Double On Error GoTo ISAAC_Prng_Error Erase alngData() ' Always start with empty arrays Erase adblData() Erase malngRand() Erase malngMem() Erase malngPower2() lngCount = 0 ' Based on type of data desired, adjust ' the appropriate return array. If blnReturnFloat Then ReDim adblData(lngArraySize) Else ReDim alngData(lngArraySize) End If LoadPower2 ' Load the Power2 array RandomInit True ' Full seeding, mixing and calculations ' Start creating the random data For lngIndex = 0 To lngArraySize - 1 ISAAC_Calc ' load the random data array ' unload the random data array into ' the appropriate return array For lngIdx = 0 To 255 If blnReturnFloat Then ' returns -0.9999999999990 to 0.9999999999990 adblData(lngCount) = CalcOneDouble(malngRand(lngIdx)) Else ' returns -2147483648 to 2147483647 alngData(lngCount) = malngRand(lngIdx) End If lngCount = lngCount + 1 ' increment counter ' if the requested number of elements have ' been collected then exit this loop If lngCount = lngArraySize Then Exit For End If Next lngIdx ' if the requested number of elements have ' been collected then exit this loop If lngCount = lngArraySize Then Exit For End If RandomInit False ' No seeding. Mixing and calculations only. Next lngIndex ISAAC_Prng_CleanUp: If blnReturnFloat Then ISAAC_Prng = adblData() ' Return float values Else ISAAC_Prng = alngData() ' Return long integer values End If Erase alngData() ' Always empty arrays when not needed Erase adblData() Erase malngRand() Erase malngMem() Erase malngPower2() On Error GoTo 0 ' nullify this error trap Exit Function ISAAC_Prng_Error: MsgBox "Err: " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description ReDim alngData(1) ' resize arrays to one element, return value = 0 ReDim adblData(1) Resume ISAAC_Prng_CleanUp End Function ' *************************************************************************** ' Routine: CalcOneDouble ' ' Description: Convert a long integer to a double precision number. ' Returns a decimal position of 14 places. This was ' chosen so that exponentials would not be returned. ' If you are working with large numbers then your return ' values will probably be in string format so as to get ' the full value of your calculations. ' ' Ex: 2147483647 -> -2.32830732662872E-10 ' ' The desired return values are with these ranges: ' ' -0.99999999999990 to 0.99999999999990 ' ' Ex: 2147483647 -> -0.00000000023283 ' ' Parameters: lngValue - Number to be converted ' ' Returns: Double precision value ' ' =========================================================================== ' DATE NAME / eMAIL ' DESCRIPTION ' ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ' 04-Feb-2008 Kenneth Ives ' Routine created ' *************************************************************************** Private Function CalcOneDouble(ByVal lngRand As Long) As Double Dim dblTemp As Double If lngRand < 0 Then dblTemp = lngRand + MAXDBL Else dblTemp = lngRand End If CalcOneDouble = FormatNumber(DBL_LOW + ((dblTemp * DBL_HIGH) - 1#), 14) End Function ' void randinit(flag) Private Sub RandomInit(ByRef blnSeed As Boolean) ' word flag; ' word i; ' ub4 a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h; Dim AA As Long, BB As Long, CC As Long, DD As Long Dim EE As Long, FF As Long, GG As Long, HH As Long Dim intIndex As Integer ' aa=bb=cc=0; /* See CreateSeed() Ken Ives */ If blnSeed Then Call CreateSeed ' fill the seeds with something End If ' Since this is a repeatable process by creating the ' same results each time then why not start with the ' results and skip the excess calculations. ' ' a=b=c=d=e=f=g=h=0x9e3779b9; /* the golden ratio */ ' ' for (i=0; i<4; ++i) /* scramble it */ ' mix(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h); AA = &HDFD5A9EA BB = &H3B122602 CC = &H110FF1A8 DD = &HFB44EDF1 EE = &HEF3C10FD FF = &H1CEB6088 GG = &H1D670408 HH = &H3E01C8CE ' for (i=0; i<256; i+=8) /* fill in mm[] with messy stuff */ For intIndex = 0 To 248 Step 8 ' if (flag) /* use all the information in the seed */ If blnSeed Then ' a+=randrsl[i ]; b+=randrsl[i+1]; c+=randrsl[i+2]; d+=randrsl[i+3]; ' e+=randrsl[i+4]; f+=randrsl[i+5]; g+=randrsl[i+6]; h+=randrsl[i+7]; AA = uAdd(AA, malngRand(intIndex)) BB = uAdd(BB, malngRand(intIndex + 1)) CC = uAdd(CC, malngRand(intIndex + 2)) DD = uAdd(DD, malngRand(intIndex + 3)) EE = uAdd(EE, malngRand(intIndex + 4)) FF = uAdd(FF, malngRand(intIndex + 5)) GG = uAdd(GG, malngRand(intIndex + 6)) HH = uAdd(HH, malngRand(intIndex + 7)) End If ' mix(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h); Call Mix(AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, GG, HH) ' mm[i ]=a; mm[i+1]=b; mm[i+2]=c; mm[i+3]=d; ' mm[i+4]=e; mm[i+5]=f; mm[i+6]=g; mm[i+7]=h; malngMem(intIndex) = AA malngMem(intIndex + 1) = BB malngMem(intIndex + 2) = CC malngMem(intIndex + 3) = DD malngMem(intIndex + 4) = EE malngMem(intIndex + 5) = FF malngMem(intIndex + 6) = GG malngMem(intIndex + 7) = HH Next intIndex ' if (flag) If blnSeed Then ' Do a second pass to make all of the seed. ' Will affect all of malngMem() ' ' for (i=0; i<256; i+=8) For intIndex = 0 To 248 Step 8 ' a+=mm[i ]; b+=mm[i+1]; c+=mm[i+2]; d+=mm[i+3]; ' e+=mm[i+4]; f+=mm[i+5]; g+=mm[i+6]; h+=mm[i+7]; AA = uAdd(AA, malngMem(intIndex)) BB = uAdd(BB, malngMem(intIndex + 1)) CC = uAdd(CC, malngMem(intIndex + 2)) DD = uAdd(DD, malngMem(intIndex + 3)) EE = uAdd(EE, malngMem(intIndex + 4)) FF = uAdd(FF, malngMem(intIndex + 5)) GG = uAdd(GG, malngMem(intIndex + 6)) HH = uAdd(HH, malngMem(intIndex + 7)) ' mix(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h); Call Mix(AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, GG, HH) ' mm[i ]=a; mm[i+1]=b; mm[i+2]=c; mm[i+3]=d; ' mm[i+4]=e; mm[i+5]=f; mm[i+6]=g; mm[i+7]=h; malngMem(intIndex) = AA malngMem(intIndex + 1) = BB malngMem(intIndex + 2) = CC malngMem(intIndex + 3) = DD malngMem(intIndex + 4) = EE malngMem(intIndex + 5) = FF malngMem(intIndex + 6) = GG malngMem(intIndex + 7) = HH Next intIndex End If ' isaac(); /* fill in the first set of results */ Call ISAAC_Calc End Sub ' #define mix(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \ Private Sub Mix(ByRef AA As Long, _ ByRef BB As Long, _ ByRef CC As Long, _ ByRef DD As Long, _ ByRef EE As Long, _ ByRef FF As Long, _ ByRef GG As Long, _ ByRef HH As Long) ' a^=b<<11; d+=a; b+=c; ' b^=c>>2; e+=b; c+=d; ' c^=d<<8; f+=c; d+=e; ' d^=e>>16; g+=d; e+=f; ' e^=f<<10; h+=e; f+=g; ' f^=g>>4; a+=f; g+=h; ' g^=h<<8; b+=g; h+=a; ' h^=a>>9; c+=h; a+=b; AA = AA Xor ShiftLong(BB, 11): DD = uAdd(DD, AA): BB = uAdd(BB, CC) BB = BB Xor ShiftLong(CC, -2): EE = uAdd(EE, BB): CC = uAdd(CC, DD) CC = CC Xor ShiftLong(DD, 8): FF = uAdd(FF, CC): DD = uAdd(DD, EE) DD = DD Xor ShiftLong(EE, -16): GG = uAdd(GG, DD): EE = uAdd(EE, FF) EE = EE Xor ShiftLong(FF, 10): HH = uAdd(HH, EE): FF = uAdd(FF, GG) FF = FF Xor ShiftLong(GG, -4): AA = uAdd(AA, FF): GG = uAdd(GG, HH) GG = GG Xor ShiftLong(HH, 8): BB = uAdd(BB, GG): HH = uAdd(HH, AA) HH = HH Xor ShiftLong(AA, -9): CC = uAdd(CC, HH): AA = uAdd(AA, BB) End Sub ' void isaac() Private Sub ISAAC_Calc() ' register ub4 i,x,y; Dim intIndex As Integer Dim intSwitch As Integer Dim XX As Long Dim YY As Long ' cc = cc + 1; /* cc just gets incremented once per 256 results */ ' bb = bb + cc; /* then combined with bb */ malngSeed(2) = malngSeed(2) + 1 malngSeed(1) = uAdd(malngSeed(1), malngSeed(2)) ' removed switch statement for speed ' for (i=0; i<256; ++i) For intIndex = 0 To 252 Step 4 ' x = mm[i]; ' aa = aa^(aa<<13); ' aa = mm[(i+128)%256] + aa; ' mm[i] = y = mm[(x>>2)%256] + aa + bb; ' randrsl[i] = bb = mm[(y>>10)%256] + x; XX = malngMem(intIndex) malngSeed(0) = malngSeed(0) Xor ShiftLong(malngSeed(0), 13) malngSeed(0) = uAdd(malngMem((intIndex + 128) Mod 256), malngSeed(0)) YY = uAdd(uAdd(malngMem(Abs(ShiftLong(XX, -2)) Mod 256), malngSeed(0)), malngSeed(1)) malngMem(intIndex) = YY malngSeed(1) = uAdd(malngMem(Abs(ShiftLong(YY, -10)) Mod 256), XX) malngRand(intIndex) = malngSeed(1) ' x = mm[i+1]; ' aa = aa^(aa>>6); ' aa = mm[(i+128+1)%256] + aa; ' mm[i+1] = y = mm[(x>>2)%256] + aa + bb; ' randrsl[i+1] = bb = mm[(y>>10)%256] + x; XX = malngMem(intIndex + 1) malngSeed(0) = malngSeed(0) Xor ShiftLong(malngSeed(0), -6) malngSeed(0) = uAdd(malngMem((intIndex + 128 + 1) Mod 256), malngSeed(0)) YY = uAdd(uAdd(malngMem(Abs(ShiftLong(XX, -2)) Mod 256), malngSeed(0)), malngSeed(1)) malngMem(intIndex + 1) = YY malngSeed(1) = uAdd(malngMem(Abs(ShiftLong(YY, -10)) Mod 256), XX) malngRand(intIndex + 1) = malngSeed(1) ' x = mm[i+2]; ' aa = aa^(aa<<2); ' aa = mm[(i+128+2)%256] + aa; ' mm[i+2] = y = mm[(x>>2)%256] + aa + bb; ' randrsl[i+2] = bb = mm[(y>>10)%256] + x; XX = malngMem(intIndex + 2) malngSeed(0) = malngSeed(0) Xor ShiftLong(malngSeed(0), 2) malngSeed(0) = uAdd(malngMem((intIndex + 128 + 2) Mod 256), malngSeed(0)) YY = uAdd(uAdd(malngMem(Abs(ShiftLong(XX, -2)) Mod 256), malngSeed(0)), malngSeed(1)) malngMem(intIndex + 2) = YY malngSeed(1) = uAdd(malngMem(Abs(ShiftLong(YY, -10)) Mod 256), XX) malngRand(intIndex + 2) = malngSeed(1) ' x = mm[i+3]; ' aa = aa^(aa>>16); ' aa = mm[(i+128+3)%256] + aa; ' mm[i+3] = y = mm[(x>>2)%256] + aa + bb; ' randrsl[i+3] = bb = mm[(y>>10)%256] + x; XX = malngMem(intIndex + 3) malngSeed(0) = malngSeed(0) Xor ShiftLong(malngSeed(0), -16) malngSeed(0) = uAdd(malngMem((intIndex + 128 + 3) Mod 256), malngSeed(0)) YY = uAdd(uAdd(malngMem(Abs(ShiftLong(XX, -2)) Mod 256), malngSeed(0)), malngSeed(1)) malngMem(intIndex + 3) = YY malngSeed(1) = uAdd(malngMem(Abs(ShiftLong(YY, -10)) Mod 256), XX) malngRand(intIndex + 3) = malngSeed(1) Next intIndex End Sub ' *************************************************************************** ' I prefer to calculate the seed values. Because the new CPU's are so fast, ' I have opted to carry over one of the generated values in a global variable ' just to make sure I have a unique value to start my calculations. Getting ' just the system time will show that only 1-3 milliseconds may have changed ' since the last pass through this routine. This will generate almost, if not ' the same, values. Using a global variable, these calculated values will ' always be different. ' =========================================================================== ' DATE NAME / eMAIL ' DESCRIPTION ' ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ' 10-Dec-2007 Kenneth Ives ' Routine created ' 30-May-2008 Kenneth Ives ' Updated the way seed values are generated ' 21-Aug-2008 Kenneth Ives ' Updated seed creation process ' *************************************************************************** Private Sub CreateSeed() Dim lngIndex As Long Dim lngTemp As Long Dim alngData(20) As Long If glngCarryOverSeed = 0 Then glngCarryOverSeed = GetTickCount() End If Erase alngData() ' Always start with empty arrays Erase malngSeed() For lngIndex = 0 To 20 alngData(lngIndex) = glngCarryOverSeed And &HFFFFFFFF lngTemp = Int(alngData(lngIndex) / (lngIndex + 1)) lngTemp = uAdd(alngData(lngIndex), lngTemp) lngTemp = lngTemp Xor ShiftLong(lngTemp, 12) alngData(lngIndex) = lngTemp glngCarryOverSeed = uAdd(lngTemp, glngCarryOverSeed) Next lngIndex ' Maintain positive values while selecting 3 seed values lngIndex = CLng(Right$(CStr(alngData(10)), 1)) ' Capture last digit (0-9) malngSeed(0) = Abs(alngData(lngIndex + 1)) ' 1-10 malngSeed(1) = Abs(alngData(lngIndex + 10)) ' 10-19 malngSeed(2) = Val(Right$(CStr(alngData(20)), 6)) ' Capture last 6 digits Erase alngData() ' Always empty arrays when not needed End Sub ' *************************************************************************** ' Routine: uAdd ' ' Description: Function to add two unsigned numbers together as in C. ' Overflows are ignored! ' ' Parameters: lngValue1 - Value of A ' lngValue2 - Value of B ' ' Returns: Calculated value ' ' =========================================================================== ' DATE NAME / eMAIL ' DESCRIPTION ' ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ' 18-Apr-2005 Pablo Mariano Ronchi ' Routine created ' 19-Dec-2006 Kenneth Ives ' Modified variable names ' *************************************************************************** Private Function uAdd(ByVal lngValue1 As Long, _ ByVal lngValue2 As Long) As Long Dim dblTemp As Double dblTemp = CDbl(lngValue1) + CDbl(lngValue2) If dblTemp < MAXLONG_NEG Then uAdd = CLng(MAXDBL + dblTemp) Else If dblTemp > MAXLONG Then uAdd = CLng(dblTemp - MAXDBL) Else uAdd = CLng(dblTemp) End If End If End Function ' *************************************************************************** ' Routine: ShiftLong ' ' Description: Shifts the bits to the right the specified number of ' positions and returns the new value. Bits "falling off" ' the right edge do not wrap around. Fill bits coming in from ' left are 0. A shift right is effectively a multiplication ' by 2. Some common languages like C/C++ or Java have an ' operator for this job: ">>" or "<<". ' ' Parameters: lngValue - Number to be manipulated ' intBitCount - Number of shift positions ' If shift count is positive then shift to ' the left. If shift count is negative then ' shift to the right. ' ' Example: ShiftLong 12345, 12 ' Shift left 12 positions ' ShiftLong 12345, -12 ' Shift right 12 positions ' ' Returns: New manipulated value ' ' =========================================================================== ' DATE NAME / eMAIL ' DESCRIPTION ' ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ' 26-Jun-1999 Francesco Balena (Formerly VB2TheMax) ' (Shift Left) ' (Shift Right) ' 13-Jan-2007 Kenneth Ives ' Combined routines. Modified intBitCount to be a switch ' denoting either a left (positive) or right (negative) shift. ' *************************************************************************** Private Function ShiftLong(ByVal lngValue As Long, _ ByVal intBitCount As Integer) As Long Dim lngMask As Long Dim lngSignBit As Long ' Test bit shifting ranges Select Case intBitCount Case 0 ' No bit shifting requested ' Fall thru and return original value Case Is < -31 ' return zero if too many ' negative shift positions lngValue = 0 Case Is > 31 ' return zero if too many ' positive shift positions lngValue = 0 Case Is > 0 ' Shift to the left if a positive bit count ' Extract the bit in lngValue ' that will become the sign bit lngMask = malngPower2(31 - intBitCount) ' Calculate the sign bit of the result lngSignBit = CBool(lngValue And lngMask) And &H80000000 ' Clear all the most significant intBitCount, that ' would be lost anyway, and also clear the sign bit lngValue = lngValue And (lngMask - 1) ' Do the shift to the left, without risking ' an overflow and then add the sign bit lngValue = (lngValue * malngPower2(intBitCount)) Or lngSignBit Case Is < 0 ' Shift to the right if a negative bit count ' Convert intBitCount to a positive value intBitCount = Abs(intBitCount) ' Evaluate the sign bit in advance lngSignBit = (lngValue < 0) And malngPower2(31 - intBitCount) ' Create a lngMask with 1's for the ' digits that will be preserved If intBitCount < 31 Then ' if intBitCount=31 then the lngMask is zero lngMask = Not (malngPower2(intBitCount) - 1) End If ' Clear all the digits that will ' be discarded, and also clear ' the sign bit lngValue = (lngValue And &H7FFFFFFF) And lngMask ' Do the shift and add the sign bit lngValue = (lngValue \ malngPower2(intBitCount)) Or lngSignBit End Select ShiftLong = lngValue End Function Private Sub LoadPower2() malngPower2(0) = 1 ' 00000000000000000000000000000001 malngPower2(1) = 2 ' 00000000000000000000000000000010 malngPower2(2) = 4 ' 00000000000000000000000000000100 malngPower2(3) = 8 ' 00000000000000000000000000001000 malngPower2(4) = 16 ' 00000000000000000000000000010000 malngPower2(5) = 32 ' 00000000000000000000000000100000 malngPower2(6) = 64 ' 00000000000000000000000001000000 malngPower2(7) = 128 ' 00000000000000000000000010000000 malngPower2(8) = 256 ' 00000000000000000000000100000000 malngPower2(9) = 512 ' 00000000000000000000001000000000 malngPower2(10) = 1024 ' 00000000000000000000010000000000 malngPower2(11) = 2048 ' 00000000000000000000100000000000 malngPower2(12) = 4096 ' 00000000000000000001000000000000 malngPower2(13) = 8192 ' 00000000000000000010000000000000 malngPower2(14) = 16384 ' 00000000000000000100000000000000 malngPower2(15) = 32768 ' 00000000000000001000000000000000 malngPower2(16) = 65536 ' 00000000000000010000000000000000 malngPower2(17) = 131072 ' 00000000000000100000000000000000 malngPower2(18) = 262144 ' 00000000000001000000000000000000 malngPower2(19) = 524288 ' 00000000000010000000000000000000 malngPower2(20) = 1048576 ' 00000000000100000000000000000000 malngPower2(21) = 2097152 ' 00000000001000000000000000000000 malngPower2(22) = 4194304 ' 00000000010000000000000000000000 malngPower2(23) = 8388608 ' 00000000100000000000000000000000 malngPower2(24) = 16777216 ' 00000001000000000000000000000000 malngPower2(25) = 33554432 ' 00000010000000000000000000000000 malngPower2(26) = 67108864 ' 00000100000000000000000000000000 malngPower2(27) = 134217728 ' 00001000000000000000000000000000 malngPower2(28) = 268435456 ' 00010000000000000000000000000000 malngPower2(29) = 536870912 ' 00100000000000000000000000000000 malngPower2(30) = 1073741824 ' 01000000000000000000000000000000 End Sub '***************************************************************************** ' Everything below is for testing only. You may comment out or delete. ' 21-Oct-2005 Kenneth Ives '***************************************************************************** ' **************************************************************************** ' For testing the ISAAC random number generator only. Will create two files. ' One for float values and the other for long integers. Only 1 in every 100 ' values will be written to the file. Rename this routine when not wanted. ' **************************************************************************** Public Sub Main() Dim hFile As Long Dim lngIndex As Long Dim lngColCount As Long Dim lngCount As Long Dim alngData() As Long Dim adblData() As Double Dim dblTotal As Double Dim dblLow As Double Dim dblHigh As Double Dim strFmt As String Dim strTemp As String Dim strTitle As String ' duration display only Dim lngStart As Long Dim strElapsed As String Const FN_DBL As String = "C:\Temp\Isaac_Dbl.txt" Const FN_LNG As String = "C:\Temp\Isaac_Lng.txt" Const FCOUNT As Long = 100000 Const SAMPLE As Long = 100 '****************************************************************** ' Generate random float values -0.9999999999990, 0.9999999999990 '****************************************************************** Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass Erase adblData() lngColCount = 0 lngCount = 0 dblLow = 1# dblHigh = 0# dblTotal = 0# strFmt = String$(18, "@") strTitle = "ISAAC Double precision values" & vbCrLf & _ Format$(FCOUNT, "#,0") & " random generated numbers" & vbCrLf & _ "Saving every " & CStr(SAMPLE) & "th value for this display" '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- lngStart = GetTickCount() ' starting time adblData() = ISAAC_Prng(FCOUNT, True) ' generate float values strElapsed = ElapsedTime(GetTickCount() - lngStart) ' calc finish time '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Format the output For lngIndex = 0 To FCOUNT - 1 dblTotal = dblTotal + adblData(lngIndex) ' Accumulate overall total If dblLow > adblData(lngIndex) Then dblLow = adblData(lngIndex) ' check for lowest value ElseIf adblData(lngIndex) > dblHigh Then dblHigh = adblData(lngIndex) ' check for highest value End If Next lngIndex hFile = FreeFile ' get first free file handle Open FN_DBL For Output As #hFile ' create empty output file Print #hFile, strTitle & vbCrLf ' print the title Print #hFile, "Elapsed: " & strElapsed & vbCrLf ' format and write the statistics to the file Print #hFile, " Lowest: " & Format$(FormatNumber(dblLow, 14), strFmt) Print #hFile, "Highest: " & Format$(FormatNumber(dblHigh, 14), strFmt) Print #hFile, " Median: " & Format$(FormatNumber((dblTotal / FCOUNT), 6), String$(10, "@")) Print #hFile, " " ' dump the contents of the array to the output file For lngIndex = 0 To FCOUNT - 1 ' Just use every 100th value for the output file If lngCount Mod SAMPLE = 0 Then ' write to the test file. strTemp = Format$(FormatNumber(adblData(lngIndex), 14), strFmt) Print #hFile, strTemp & Space$(2); ' write to the file lngColCount = lngColCount + 1 ' increment column counter End If ' see if we have 4 columns If lngColCount = 4 Then Print #hFile, "" ' prints Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) at the end of the line lngColCount = 0 ' reset column counter End If lngCount = lngCount + 1 Next lngIndex Close #hFile Erase adblData() Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal MsgBox FN_DBL & vbCrLf & "Elapsed: " & strElapsed, vbOKOnly, "ISAAC Float Values" '****************************************************************** ' Generate long integer values -2147483648, 2147483647 '****************************************************************** Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass Erase alngData() lngColCount = 0 lngCount = 0 dblLow = MAXLONG dblHigh = 0# dblTotal = 0# strFmt = String$(11, "@") strTitle = "ISAAC Long Integer values" & vbCrLf & _ Format$(FCOUNT, "#,0") & " random generated numbers" & vbCrLf & _ "Saving every " & CStr(SAMPLE) & "th value for this display" '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- lngStart = GetTickCount() ' starting time alngData() = ISAAC_Prng(FCOUNT, False) ' generate float values strElapsed = ElapsedTime(GetTickCount() - lngStart) ' calc finish time '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Format the output For lngIndex = 0 To FCOUNT - 1 dblTotal = dblTotal + alngData(lngIndex) ' Accumulate overall total If dblLow > alngData(lngIndex) Then dblLow = alngData(lngIndex) ' check for lowest value ElseIf alngData(lngIndex) > dblHigh Then dblHigh = alngData(lngIndex) ' check for highest value End If Next lngIndex hFile = FreeFile ' get first free file handle Open FN_LNG For Output As #hFile ' create empty output file Print #hFile, strTitle & vbCrLf ' print the title Print #hFile, "Elapsed: " & strElapsed & vbCrLf ' format and write the statistics to output file Print #hFile, " Lowest: " & Format$(dblLow, strFmt) Print #hFile, "Highest: " & Format$(dblHigh, strFmt) Print #hFile, " Median: " & Format$((dblHigh \ FCOUNT), strFmt) Print #hFile, " " ' dump the contents of the array to the output file For lngIndex = 0 To FCOUNT - 1 ' Just use every 100th value for the output file If lngCount Mod SAMPLE = 0 Then strTemp = Format$(alngData(lngIndex), strFmt) ' format output record Print #hFile, strTemp & Space$(2); ' write to output file lngColCount = lngColCount + 1 ' increment column counter End If ' see if we have 6 columns If lngColCount = 6 Then Print #hFile, "" ' prints Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) at the end of the line lngColCount = 0 ' reset column counter End If lngCount = lngCount + 1 Next lngIndex Close #hFile Erase alngData() ' Always empty arrays when not needed Erase adblData() Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal MsgBox FN_LNG & vbCrLf & "Elapsed: " & strElapsed & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "TESTING COMPLETE!", vbOKOnly, "ISAAC Long Integers" End Sub ' **************************************************************************** ' Rename this routine to Main() and press F5 to execute. This will build the ' approximate 11mb (11,468,800 bytes) binary input file needed when using ' Diehard or ENT for randomness testing. On a 500mhz, 256mb RAM PC, this will ' take less than two minutes to create the test file in the IDE, compiled will ' take 12 seconds. ' ' Test file size: 2,867,200 32-bit random integers (11,468,800 bytes) ' 11,468,800 bytes = 10240 * 280 * 4 ' | | |__ 4 bytes = 1 long integer ' | |__ # of writes to output file ' |__ # of long integers per array ' ' --------------------------------- ' Randomness testing software ' --------------------------------- ' Diehard by George Marsaglia ' ' ' ENT Software ' ' Scroll down and download the file ' ' **************************************************************************** Public Sub Main_DH() Dim hFile As Integer Dim alngData() As Long Dim lngPointer As Long Dim lngLoop As Long ' duration display only Dim lngStart As Long Dim lngStop As Long Dim strElapsed As String Const FN_TEST As String = "C:\Temp\Isaac.bin" Const FCOUNT As Long = 10240 DoEvents Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass DoEvents lngPointer = 1 ' init pointer for output file Erase alngData() ' empty the temp array hFile = FreeFile ' capture first free file handle Open FN_TEST For Output As #hFile ' Create an empty file Close #hFile ' close the file hFile = FreeFile ' capture first free file handle Open FN_TEST For Binary Access Write As #hFile ' re-open file in binary mode '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- lngStart = GetTickCount() ' starting time ' Generate some random data and write to a file. ' The first 11,467,684 bytes. For lngLoop = 1 To 280 alngData() = ISAAC_Prng(FCOUNT, False) ' Create long integer numbers ReDim Preserve alngData(FCOUNT - 1) ' Resize the array Put #hFile, lngPointer, alngData() ' Write data to output file lngPointer = lngPointer + (UBound(alngData) * 4) ' Update pointer for output file Erase alngData() ' Empty temp array Next lngLoop ' Generate and write the remaining ' 1,116 bytes. alngData() = ISAAC_Prng(280, False) ' Create long integer numbers ReDim Preserve alngData(279) ' Resize the array Put #hFile, lngPointer, alngData() ' Write data to output file Erase alngData() ' Empty temp array lngStop = GetTickCount() ' stopping time strElapsed = ElapsedTime(lngStop - lngStart) ' calc millisecond difference '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Close #hFile ' close the output file Erase alngData() ' Always make sure arrays are empty when not in use DoEvents Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal ' Reset mouse cursor DoEvents MsgBox FN_TEST & vbCrLf & "Elapsed: " & strElapsed & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "TEST FILE COMPLETE!", vbOKOnly, "ISAAC Diehard/ENT test file" End Sub ' *************************************************************************** ' Routine: ElapsedTime ' ' Description: Formats time display ' ' Parameters: lngMilliseconds - current time in seconds ' ' Returns: Formatted output ' ' =========================================================================== ' DATE NAME / eMAIL ' DESCRIPTION ' ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ' 06-NOV-2004 Kenneth Ives ' Wrote routine ' *************************************************************************** Private Function ElapsedTime(ByVal lngMilliseconds As Long) As String Dim lngSeconds As Long Dim lngMinutes As Long Dim lngHours As Long Dim lngDays As Long Dim lngThousands As Long ElapsedTime = "" lngSeconds = Int(lngMilliseconds / 1000) ' Convert to whole seconds lngThousands = lngMilliseconds - (lngSeconds * 1000) ' Capture any remaining milliseconds lngDays = Int(lngSeconds / 86400) ' Calc number of days lngSeconds = lngSeconds - (lngDays * 86400) ' Recalc number of seconds lngHours = Int(lngSeconds / 3600) ' Calc number of hours lngSeconds = lngSeconds - (lngHours * 3600) ' Recalc number of seconds lngMinutes = Int(lngSeconds / 60) ' Calc number of minutes lngSeconds = lngSeconds - (lngMinutes * 60) ' Recalc number of seconds ' Format number of days, if any If lngDays > 0 Then ElapsedTime = Format$(lngDays, "0") & " day(s) " End If ElapsedTime = ElapsedTime & _ Format$(lngHours, "0") & ":" & _ Format$(lngMinutes, "00") & ":" & _ Format$(lngSeconds, "00") & "." & _ Format$(lngThousands, "000") End Function