Peggy Shaffer says:
Rockingham Co., N.C. copy someone sent me. Page 162: Marget
Diamond. March 3, 1818. *Prb. May 1819.
Sons: John Diamond, Steward Diamond.
Grandson David Harrell.
Granddaus: Marget D. Webb & Rhoda
Webb - one beadestead Bed
and furniture and one Heifer Yearling to be lodged in hands of their
Uncle Thomas Webb in Guilford
County. Whereas my daus Sarah Webb &
Rachel Harrel both dec'd had at their marriage their full dowry it is
my will that their husbands Fred D. Webb
& Stephen Harrel have no more than Five Shillings.
Exr: Brother Jeremiah Pritchett.
Wit: Alexander Nichels. H. Thompson.
index maintained by Bob Jenkins