Thomas Webb

From Peggy Shaffer, from the Guilford County NC Will Abstracts book 1771-1841:

THOMAS WEBB - 2 Nov. 1829 - Prb Feb 1830
Wife SARAH - $4,000, negro boy Nathan, desk, book case, land bought of George Donnell, tract from George Chilcutt adj widow Buckhannon
Brother GILSTRAP - tract whereon he lives & notes against him
WILLIAM WEBB, son of GILSTRAP - tract known as the Wafford place
William Schoolfield - tract whereon he lives bought of Robert Coffey
Noah M. Climer, husband of dau PEGGY or MARGARET, the dwelling home tract bought of Joshua Dee, also tracts bought of Robert C. Rankin and of William Weatherly, the lower still in my still house, still untensils, sorrel mare (copied exactly, not my spelling mistakes)
John Wharton, husband of sister RHODA - residue of land, $300 to buy a negro woman to help my sister
Ch of bro MEREDITH, dec'd: GINN - a plantation, SAMPE - another tract, $100; and his dau - $100
Slaves: Old Thomas - $75; Jacob, Isaac & David - each $10; Major, Doctor, Little Thomas & Nathan - each $5
Bro SAMEUL - $600 out of band now due me by Joseph Allen (again copied exactly, not my spelling)
Daugherty's Meeting House - $50
$50 marble to be placed at the head of dec'd wife DORCAS, dec'd bro MEREDITH & his dec'd wife & my own
Exrs: John Wharton, Noah M. Climer
Wits: Mark W. Killingsworth, James Brannock

Also from Peggy Shaffer:
Rockingham Co., N.C. copy someone sent me. Page 162: Marget Diamond. March 3, 1818. *Prb. May 1819.
Sons: John Diamond, Steward Diamond.
Grandson David Harrell.
Granddaus: Marget D. Webb & Rhoda Webb - one beadestead Bed and furniture and one Heifer Yearling to be lodged in hands of their Uncle Thomas Webb in Guilford County. Whereas my daus Sarah Webb & Rachel Harrel both dec'd had at their marriage their full dowry it is my will that their husbands Fred D. Webb & Stephen Harrel have no more than Five Shillings.
Exr: Brother Jeremiah Pritchett.
Wit: Alexander Nichels. H. Thompson.

Again this was copied from a typed book. Again someone said the actual will has Dred, not Fred Webb

End Peggy Shaffer quotes.

I don't remember where I saw that Dorcas's maiden name was Danney.

That Robert C Rankin there. He was born 1791, and was a brother of Nancy Agnes Rankin, mother of William Schoolfield, husband of Rhoda Webb (not Thomas's sister).

index maintained by Bob Jenkins