dollhouse bookcase

Home page, Bob Jenkins

AI is sometimes producing usable art now.

How to become rich slowly: open a brokerage account with Schwab. Whenever you have savings add it to the account. Keep nearly 100% of the account in QQQ (buy QQQ with the money and keep it there) (QQQ is an "index fund", an average of lots of stocks, kind of a tech-heavy one). Pay no attention to the market going up and down. Try not to withdraw at all, but withdrawing up to 4% per year is allowed (multiply total by 0.04). QQQ grows about 10% a year on average (sometimes up 40%, sometimes down 40%, but on average 10% up). That means it takes about 8 years to double, and about 25 years to go up 10x. Cash meanwhile grows at 0%, which is actually -2% if you account for inflation. Learn to think of QQQ as cash, and cash as a bad investment.

Table of Contents (internal links):

Here's a hash table, code for perfect hashing, a good hash function for hash table lookup, a FAQ, some theory, and code to search for new hash functions. I tried designing block ciphers and finding characteristics. I had an article published in Dr. Dobb's in September 1997.
Have the cryptographic pseudorandom number generator ISAAC, a small noncryptographic pseudorandom number generator, a prize for breaking ISAAC, and ISAAC's background and theory. Also take some tests for randomness, and a table of orders of magnitude.
Boy Scout Skits
Aaarghhh!, Did You See That, Water, Water!, The Firing Squad, The World's Greatest Spitter, The Vending Machine, Dudley Dooright, The King's Raisins, Rent, The Old Gum, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera ...
Look into pentagonal tiles, formulae for n-body orbit simulations, code for the HOMFLY knot polynomial, voting methods, choosing random passwords, jenny for pairwise testing, some error correction codes, and an april fool's design spec.
I have tools for pairwise testing (jenny), exhaustive testing (dice), testing hash functions, and a pattern for concurrency testing.
Consider perpetual motion machines, a dirigiped design, a scale model of the solar system, a page on exploring orbits with Javascript, Klemperer Rosettes, a simulation of Cruithne (a near-earth object), of figure-eight orbits, of binary star planetary orbits, a set of noncolliding orbits, some Dyson Swarms (pretty pictures!), some methods for the n-body problem, and a description of the javascript orbit simulator used.
Future Speculation
big data centers, a pedal-powered whale, AI, a protein computer, and Manhattan in space
Latest to oldest takes on political issues
Short Stories
Dragons Aren't Real, Cassie & Frieda, Voyage, Pancakes, Lima Beans, Harmonica, Police, Hawaiian Shirt, Demo, Dinner Plan, Godzilla, Imposter, Conspiracy, Costa Cola, Pointless, Marbles, Ignored, Minion.
Mina Lowry, Thomas Webb, Grandma's Interview, lots of others, and also genealogical fan charts and how many genetic ancestors you have.
Home projects
See my half bath, a house design that will never be built, a dollhouse that did get built, some recipies, some paper airplanes, and a roof rack for Justine's car.
Mom's Art,
Here is my autobiography, a resume, a bit on software patents, SQL tricks from Oracle, the Book of Isaac, some birds, some music, some cartoons that I wrote in college, and some early Bob photos.

Here are some other sites:

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