The Curse of the Back Molar

"Hey. Hey Mandy."

"Mmwahhmm," she said. She was brushing her teeth.

"I was flossing my teeth, and when I flossed this one back molar, it reminded me of Gloria Weaver!"

"Ahm. Vwwy intuwmmwmm." She nodded sagely while scrubbing suds in her mouth.

"Gloria was this awful girl I knew in early grade school. A real witch. She'd ask what I had in my lunchbox, and I'd show her the ants I was bringing home to show my mom, and she'd step on them."

"Why ah you tewwin me mwiss."

"That's very strange, don't you think? Flossing this back tooth, deeply reminds me of Gloria? I flossed it again, and it reminded me of her again. It's repeatable."

"Ah haaagh." She had her mouth open, brushing, and was staring at herself in the mirror.

"Then it occured to me! It's because that one tooth came in without proper enamel. My dentist, Dr. Weaver, had to drill it and put in a filling. And he gave me a novocaine shot that made my cheek swell up black and blue for two weeks. Everyone was teasing me that I got beat up by my dentist. And Gloria was his daughter."

"Ahgh," said Mandy. She spat. "Very fancy."

"Yes," I said, smiling. "Very nice connection. I'm happy to have figured it out."

"So do you think she liked you?" Now she was making a face and glaring at her nose in the mirror, stretching the skin to see if any potential pimples were hiding in the crevices.

"No." I scowled. "I don't care. I didn't like her. She didn't pay any attention to me after grade school." I thought a bit. "But it is odd that I can't avoid getting reminded of her. I wonder if she's important somehow? Or whether it's just that everyone in early grade school is connected to me in strange ways like that."

This was in response to a prompt on r/WritingPrompts, "Most witches stick to conventional, by-the-book curses -- like the classic 'make someone fall in love with you while in the form of a monster.' Unfortunately for you, the witch cursing you makes it a point to be highly creative with her curses."

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