Internal math links:
Multitasking: greedy vs fair scheduling
Primitive polynomials for GF(2
), and code for multiplication
exponential moving averages
Binary sorting multi-column data
Jenny, generate succinct cross-functional tests
Symmetric Multistep Methods for the N-Body Problem
(or, how to make a fast
solar system simulator
Error Correction
Interpolation: using gridpoints as supports vs Chebyshev nodes.
A C++ floating point bignum implementation, how I went about it, what I learned along the way.
The calculus rant
Least-squares linear regression analysis
Fractions of a string, and musical tones
12 guys on an island with a see-saw
Computing the HOMFLY polynomial invariant for directed knots and links
An interface for exploring n-dimensional space on a 2-dimensional screen
Finding characteristics in block ciphers (doesn't really work)
Orders of Magnitude
A recipe for finding pentagons that tile the plane