# errors ./jenny jenny: 2-tuples are impossible with only 0 dimensions ./jenny a b c jenny: 2-tuples are impossible with only 0 dimensions ./jenny 1 jenny: a dimension must have at least 2 features, not 1 ./jenny 2 jenny: 2-tuples are impossible with only 1 dimensions ./jenny 2a 2b 2c jenny: something was trailing a dimension number ./jenny -n3 52 53 jenny: dimensions must be smaller than 52. 53 is too big. ./jenny -n3 53 52 52 jenny: dimensions must be smaller than 52. 53 is too big. ./jenny -n3 52 52 jenny: -n, 3-tuples are impossible with only 2 dimensions ./jenny -n3 2 2 2 -h jenny: Given a set of feature dimensions and withouts, produce tests covering all n-tuples of features where all features come from different dimensions. For example (=, <, >, <=, >=, !=) is a dimension with 6 features. The type of the left-hand argument is another dimension. Dimensions are numbered 1..65535, in the order they are listed. Features are implicitly named a..z, A..Z. 3 Dimensions are given by the number of features in that dimension. -h prints out these instructions. -n specifies the n in n-tuple. The default is 2 (meaning pairs). -w gives withouts. -w1b4ab says that combining the second feature of the first dimension with the first or second feature of the fourth dimension is disallowed. -ofoo.txt reads old jenny testcases from file foo.txt and extends them. The output is a testcase per line, one feature per dimension per testcase, followed by the list of all allowed tuples that jenny could not reach. Example: jenny -n3 3 2 2 -w2b3b 5 3 -w1c3b4ace5ac 8 2 2 3 2 This gives ten dimensions, asks that for any three dimensions all combinations of features (one feature per dimension) be covered, plus it asks that certain combinations of features (like (1c,3b,4c,5c)) not be covered. ./jenny - jenny: '-' by itself isn't a proper argument. ./jenny -nb jenny: -n should give an integer in 1..32, for example, -n2. ./jenny -n0 jenny: -n says all n-tuples should be covered. ./jenny -n33 jenny: -n says all n-tuples should be covered. ./jenny -n3a jenny: -n should be followed by just an integer ./jenny -n19 2 3 4 5 6 jenny: -n, 19-tuples are impossible with only 5 dimensions ./jenny -n2 -w4b1a2dac4a 2 4 2 2 jenny: -w, dimension 4 was given twice in a single without ./jenny -n4 3 3 3 3 -w25740329352a jenny: -w, dimension -29474424 does not exist, you gave only 4 dimensions ./jenny -n4 3 3 3 3 -w2-1za jenny: -w, unexpected without syntax jenny: proper withouts look like -w2a1bc99a ./jenny -n4 3 3 3 3 -w2 jenny: -w, withouts must follow numbers with features ./jenny -n4 3 3 3 3 -w2f jenny: -w, there is no feature 'f' in dimension 2 ./jenny -n4 3 3 3 3 -w0a2b jenny: -w, dimension 0 does not exist, you gave only 4 dimensions ./jenny -n4 3 3 3 3 -wn3a4b jenny: -w is ... jenny: -w must start with an integer (1 to #dimensions) ./jenny -n4 3 3 3 3 -w3a4b3bc jenny: -w, dimension 3 was given twice in a single without ./jenny -n4 3 3 3 3 -w1a2b345 jenny: -w, dimension 345 does not exist, you gave only 4 dimensions ./jenny -s2 2 2 2 -s1a jenny: -s should give just an integer, example -s123 ./jenny -sa 2 2 2 jenny: -s must be followed by a positive integer ./jenny -m3 jenny: legal arguments are numbers, -n, -s, -w, -h, not -m ./jenny -3 jenny: legal arguments are numbers, -n, -s, -w, -h, not -3 ./jenny -o jenny: 2-tuples are impossible with only 0 dimensions echo '1a 2a 3a ' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp jenny: -o, non-space found where space expected echo ' a b c ' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp jenny: -o, non-number found where number expected echo ' 1a2a3a' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp jenny: -o, non-space found where space expected echo ' 1a 2a 3a ' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp 1a 2a 3a 1b 2b 3b 1a 2b 3b 1b 2a 3a 1b 2a 3b 1b 2b 3a echo ' 1a 2a 3a ' > jenny_err.tmp echo ' 1a 2a 3a' >> jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp 1a 2a 3a 1a 2a 3a 1b 2b 3b 1a 2b 3b 1b 2a 3a 1b 2a 3b 1b 2b 3a echo ' 1a 2a 3a ' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp -w2a3a jenny: -o, old testcase contains some without echo ' 1- 2a 3a ' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp -w2a3a jenny: -o, non-feature found where feature expected echo ' 2a 3a 1a ' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp jenny: -o, number 2 found out-of-place echo ' 1a 2ab 3a ' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp jenny: -o, non-space found where space expected echo ' 1a 2a 3a 4a ' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp jenny: -o, testcase not properly terminated echo ' 1a 2a 3aa' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp jenny: -o, non-space found where trailing space expected echo ' 1a 2f 3a ' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp jenny: -o, feature f does not exist in dimension 2 echo ' 1a 2. 3a ' > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp jenny: -o, non-feature found where feature expected ./jenny 2 2 2 -ozilphendia.org jenny: file zilphendia.org could not be opened # crashes, wrong results, fixed 040302 ./jenny -n1 2 2 > jenny_err.tmp ./jenny 2 2 -ojenny_err.tmp 1a 2b 1b 2a 1a 2a 1b 2b